An abrasion is a superficial injury, commonly known as a 'graze' or 'scratch'.
This type of wound damages only the epidermis (uppermost skin layer), and should not therefore bleed. However, abrasions do usually extend into the dermis causing slight bleeding.
Abrasions are commonly caused by a 'glancing' impact across the surface of the skin, but if the force is directed vertically down onto the skin surface it may be termed a 'crush' injury.
These wounds are seen where an object has struck the skin (eg a blow from a fist), or where the injured person has fallen onto a rough surface, such as road.
may be 'linear', or commonly known as a single 'scratch', whereas if a broader surface is affected, it is called a 'graze' or 'brush abrasion' (eg where a motorcyclist is thrown from their vehicle, and comes into contact with the road surface in a skidding fashion).
Such an abrasion often covers a relatively large area of skin, and is often called a 'friction burn' in lay language
If the surface of an abrasion is examined closely, for example with a hand-held magnifying glass, the direction of force can often be determined, from the torn epidermis. Strands are drawn towards the end of the injury, and are 'heaped up'. The edges of the wound may also be ragged and directed towards the end of the wound.
tearing of the epidermis.
Abrasions are made by a scraping injury to the skin surface, typically in an irregular fashion, as seen here over the knee. Sometimes the pattern of the abrasion can indicate what kind of surface the skin contacted. Sometimes foreign material is embedded onto the abraded surface, such as gravel from a road surface. The abrasions seen here are healing.